
Tuesday, 27 November 2012


[caption id="attachment_169" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Obligatory Grand Canal shot[/caption]

Went to Venice in September - perfect time to go as the weather was still gorgeous, the canal wasn't smelly and it wasn't (too) busy. We went just as the Venice Film Fest was winding down, and rumours that Clooney's boat had moored off ones of the islands kept us (OK, me) rather excited – not because I fancy the Cloon, more because he's famous, m'kay?

We loved Venice. It was a bit like being in a Terry Gilliam film, where – at every corner turned – we expected to see some sinister, quirky figure, all moustachioed twirling his cape. It's also exactly like being in the film Labyrinth, where Sarah tries the most local path somewhere only for it to take her right back to the beginning. Very early on, we realised that just because we could see where we wanted to get to, it didn't mean we could walk around the corner and get there. It would usually involve going back on ourselves, over a few bridges and then doubling back yet again. But we'd get there in the end…!

We also found a gorgeous vintage shop called Carpe Diem. Budget didn't allow a proper rummage, so we settled on drooling and taking lots of photos instead.


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